
夜色视频 Xchange

夜色视频 for Veeva CRM

Veeva is the global leader in cloud software for the life sciences industry.

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夜色视频 + Veeva CRM provide an integrated solution that improves the HCP’s experience with pharmaceutical companies (i.e. where they can improve training, feedback about events, speaker feedback, improvements to marketing content, etc.).

What’s Included:

A pharma rep documents their HCP interaction in Veeva CRM and triggers a request to the HCP for feedback. 夜色视频’s survey is sent to the HCP for feedback about their engagement (i.e. call center experience, conference attendance, rep sales call, MSL interaction, etc.). The information, including free form text, goes into 夜色视频’s Experience Cloud where it is analyzed in real time along with operational data and other inputs. The outcome leads to actionable data, feeding into Veeva Suggestions so that the rep can create more meaningful interactions with the HCP.

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